给 pwh1 留言

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This piece was a lif 说:
Jun 08, 2016 12:00:11 AM

This piece was a lifejacket that saved me from drowning.

If you're looking to 说:
Jun 07, 2016 05:54:25 PM

If you're looking to buy these articles make it way easier.

Glad I've finally fo 说:
Jun 07, 2016 05:41:11 PM

Glad I've finally found something I agree with!

Lorsque l’on s 说:
Jun 07, 2016 03:31:29 PM

Lorsque l’on se pique de donner des leçons – que l’on ait tort ou raison – il serait préférable de ne pas s’exposer aux railleries. D’où sort cet anglais de pacotille ?

And to think I was g 说:
Jun 07, 2016 06:51:36 AM

And to think I was going to talk to someone in person about this.

Stay with this guys, 说:
Jun 07, 2016 03:38:00 AM

Stay with this guys, you're helping a lot of people.

More posts of this q 说:
Jun 07, 2016 02:53:49 AM

More posts of this quality. Not the usual c***, please

As Charlie Sheen say 说:
Jun 06, 2016 08:09:29 PM

As Charlie Sheen says, this article is "WINNING!"

I could watch Schind 说:
Jun 06, 2016 07:26:27 PM

I could watch Schindler's List and still be happy after reading this.

An intelligent answe 说:
Jun 06, 2016 07:10:18 PM

An intelligent answer - no BS - which makes a pleasant change

If time is money you 说:
Jun 06, 2016 04:05:46 PM

If time is money you've made me a wealthier woman.

tukoramerez on July 说:
Jun 06, 2016 09:58:05 AM

tukoramerez on July 11, 2012 To me this song is about old values and family love, A time when England was strong at the roots and there was respect for parents and grand parents, when children played innocently and valued the thoughts of there elders, I reckon this song is to good for this deranged society who I doubt could even understand it anyway!!!

/ you get a chemical 说:
Jun 06, 2016 09:24:29 AM

/ you get a chemical reaction between the fermented? dairy and the baking soda… its where the light and fluffy comes from. atleast thats my understanding from watching other baking shows.

Thanks to your post 说:
Jun 06, 2016 05:35:10 AM

Thanks to your post on Tuesday, dear Father, I ordered (through your link), and have just received, two copies of Fr. Heilman’s “Field Guide”. I pray both will be put to fruitful use.

Yeah. Soy vecino de 说:
Jun 06, 2016 04:37:25 AM

Yeah. Soy vecino de Izcalli desde hace ya muchos años, y le puedo comentar que no termino de acostumbrarme al **** tráfico “del regreso” en las tardes.Según recuerdo por relatos de su hija de usted, Malquerida, vive en Coacalco, ¿es cierto?Salud de todos modos.* ¡ahem, ahem! * mi mi mi miiiiiiiii…Lista la garganta ¿cuál le dedico Señorita trágica?¡Esmuack!Y no extrañen tanto al chancho, que tal vez no vuelva más.

I feel satisfied aft 说:
Jun 05, 2016 02:17:59 PM

I feel satisfied after reading that one.

The honesty of your 说:
Jun 05, 2016 02:03:54 PM

The honesty of your posting shines through

Papylou dit :j& 说:
Jun 05, 2016 12:41:04 PM

Papylou dit :j’ai connu ça en reprenant l’escrime après une quinzaine d’années en veilleuse … les petits jeunes, je ne pouvais les avoir qu’à l’intox, et les moins petits jeunes duraille … ils me rentraient dans le lard sans complexes !

I was seriously at D 说:
Jun 05, 2016 12:39:28 PM

I was seriously at DefCon 5 until I saw this post.

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