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Se dice asi:Che, no 说:
Jul 30, 2016 01:35:51 AM

Se dice asi:Che, no puedo ir, los pelotudos de los extraterrestres me volvieron a abducir sin avisar y me Yevaron con lo puesto, me deje la billetera con la cedula y ahora no se quien soy la concha de su madre!. Bueno, tengo mucho laburo, voy a armar un re quilombo en la nave para que me devuelvan a la Tierra.Un abrazo.PD: Va con onda, no te chives tri tri…Tu voto: 0  0

Ehhhmmm;Hate to be t 说:
Jul 30, 2016 01:02:55 AM

Ehhhmmm;Hate to be the harbinger doom to my superior Muslim demigods - but - and I dont know how to say this...Chocolate products, to a large extent contain a type of pork fat.As I myself, am a dhimmi of no Islamic repute, I cannot for the life of me understand, how you - the interlectually superior peoples of this earth, have failed to either notice this point, or at least introduce fatwas forewarning your Ummah on this truly horrific issue.Oh well..... Time for a blanket ban on comfort foods me thinks....Whoops... Perhaps I should'nt give my government food for thought. (if you'll pardon the pun).

Kewl you should come 说:
Jul 29, 2016 11:24:06 PM

Kewl you should come up with that. Excellent!

Comenrokeig 说:
Jul 29, 2016 10:38:49 PM

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hallo medion,da habe 说:
Jul 29, 2016 10:15:31 PM

hallo medion,da haben sie mir ja schon etwas weiter geholfen! ginge es viell. etwas genauer? die genaue bezeichnung dürfen sie nicht verraten? unterstüzt es beispielweise die intel chipsatz-serie intel z68? bzw. ist der einbau/kopplung zweier nvidia grafikkarten möglich (nVidia SLI)? mfg stephan

Rif. 57Maria non vor 说:
Jul 29, 2016 08:18:53 PM

Rif. 57Maria non vorrei fare figli e figliastri, ma per te sto già tendendo il porchetto in mezzo al mirto, non appena mi dici che hai fatto i biglietti!Ciao Sardina

A pleasingly rationa 说:
Jul 29, 2016 07:59:51 PM

A pleasingly rational answer. Good to hear from you.

Thanks for helping m 说:
Jul 29, 2016 07:37:53 PM

Thanks for helping me to see things in a different light.

Comenrokehv 说:
Jul 29, 2016 07:17:17 PM

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At last some rationa 说:
Jul 29, 2016 07:10:02 PM

At last some rationality in our little debate.

You make things so c 说:
Jul 29, 2016 05:51:06 PM

You make things so clear. Thanks for taking the time!

delciosidades, yo es 说:
Jul 29, 2016 05:10:55 PM

delciosidades, yo es q oigo &#8220;sosa caustica&#8221; y &#8220;manipular con cuidado&#8221; en la misma frase y ya tiemblo&#8230;con lo desastre que soy cocinando! :cPrueba con el bicarbonato y ya me cuentas si notas diferencia

Inderdaad, na de ont 说:
Jul 29, 2016 04:52:02 PM

Inderdaad, na de ontslag van de ene zaakvoerder die heel goed en eerlijk was, was de zaak achtergebleven in de handen van de tweede zaakvoerder. Het schijnt dat deze zaakvoerder een grote oplichter is. Daarom liep alles op oneerlijke manier

/ AS Musicas sà 说:
Jul 29, 2016 04:37:21 PM

/ AS Musicas são essas …..1- Lê Lê Lê2-Bara Bere3-Ta Combinado4-To Morando Sozinho5-A Nossa Musica6-Vai Ter Balanga7-Minha Herança Que deus abençõe&#8230;..GD Star Ratingloading...

Phew, I didn&#8217;t 说:
Jul 29, 2016 04:11:16 PM

Phew, I didn&#8217;t think this was going to be such a debate. Savas/Brian, my comment about Notify wasn&#8217;t anything to do with pub-sub. I was wondering if a purely event-oriented architecture (some kind of notification service approach) would be even more fundamental, since you can model pub-sub on it. I agree with Brian though: the world is crowded enough with architectural models without introducing another.

Friday, June 3, 2011 说:
Jul 29, 2016 03:56:42 PM

Friday, June 3, 2011 - 6:29 pm I vote local.&nbsp; Who knows what&#039;s going on at the supposedly organic farm.&nbsp; Let me tell you, Whole Foods is no pro at labeling or keeping produce organized.&nbsp; Grow your own first, 2nd buy from a local farm you can track down if everyone gets ecoli, 3rd buy organic USA, 4th buy USA continent conventional food, 5th buy organic canada/centeral/south america food.&nbsp; avoid food from china or japan.

Tanya B on October 3 说:
Jul 29, 2016 02:44:36 PM

Tanya B on October 3, 2012 I once tried to make garlic bread and had a huge fail, wasn&#8217;t sure how it works with temp. Now I know. Thanks! Going to make it over the weekend for sure!

6am:David H &#8211; 说:
Jul 29, 2016 02:24:28 PM

6am:David H &#8211; 18 (13 with red)Luke &#8211; 20 Rx + 10kg VestCon &#8211; 20 Rx (and 3 x HSPU w/abmat)Jo W &#8211; 20 (r/y band)Grainne &#8211; 20 (Blue)Linda &#8211; 16 + 8 (blue, knees)Jo L &#8211; 20 (red, knees)Karlie &#8211; 20 (knees, red/orange)Kristie &#8211; 20 RxErica &#8211; 20 (5kg vest, 2 x red, knees)Phil &#8211; 18 + 2 Pull Ups (10 rds knees, Red)Catherine &#8211; 17 + 8 Push Up (blue, box Push ups)Sam &#8211; 16 (7 rds Rx, 9 rds Red)

moi je ne me souvien 说:
Jul 29, 2016 01:46:06 PM

moi je ne me souviens qu&#39;une seule espèce dont j&#39;ai oublié le nom, celle qui arrache la G...et qui oblige à se précipiter sur un demi-litre de bière. RHAAAHHHHHH!!!!!Alf01

Comenrokesv 说:
Jul 29, 2016 01:21:05 PM

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